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Natural language processing

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Creative Thoughts of AI in the Future
When you talk about the future of artificial intelligence, you are usually presented with robot takeovers – where machines become smarter and jails all humans as they dominate the world. But the reality is far tamer than that. Working with AI Early on, we were told that AI will displace human workers. With robots and
21 April 2021 Read More north_east
How AI Will Help the Finance Industry
Banking customers now want convenience and will want their banks to have smart solutions. Of course, they also want a safe way to invest, save, spend, or access their money. Enter artificial intelligence, a technology that is changing the way we deal with money and investments. There are several ways in which AI can benefit
8 April 2021 Read More north_east
Using AI to fly aircraft
The presence of artificial intelligence in the cockpits is already a reality. Machine learning and AI technology contribute to the speed, efficiency, and safety of flights. Artificial intelligence instruments allow aviation companies to reduce the workload of the pilots and improve their observation using technology, such as computer vision, natural language processing, and time series
25 March 2021 Read More north_east
What AI Solutions Were Used in COVID-19?
Working on the premise that artificial intelligence systems will need to “learn” using a wide set of historical data, you might be forgiven to think that applications of this technology to help fight the coronavirus pandemic will be limited. However, the opposite is true: It would seem that AI is not only great for delivering
21 February 2021 Read More north_east
Top 5 Recent AI Innovations
A lot of us think that artificial intelligence is just for robots.  But as these five technologies show, AI is changing how businesses and the world work. 1. Rocking the Finance World AI has been in use in the financial industry for quite some time now.  There are several technologies that can bring more revenues,
10 February 2021 Read More north_east

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