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21 April 2021

Creative Thoughts of AI in the Future

When you talk about the future of artificial intelligence, you are usually presented with robot takeovers – where machines become smarter and jails all humans as they dominate the world. But the reality is far tamer than that. Working with AI Early on, we were told that AI will displace human workers. With robots and

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Working with AI
Working with AI

When you talk about the future of artificial intelligence, you are usually presented with robot takeovers – where machines become smarter and jails all humans as they dominate the world. But the reality is far tamer than that.

Working with AI

Early on, we were told that AI will displace human workers. With robots and programs getting smarter, they will be able to replace human employees. Not so, as it seems that AI will not be able to replicate human emotions such as empathy.

Sure, a chatbot will be able to answer a customer’s questions, but it cannot accurately detect if he or she is happy or frustrated.  As such, even in today’s most AI-advanced workplaces, humans and artificial intelligence are working hand-in-hand to deliver top-notch customer engagement.

As time wears on, you can expect disruptions in the way you work. For sure, there will be jobs that will be replaced by automation and AI, especially those that are menial and has a lot of repetitive tasks. But businesses in the future will be able to personalize their offerings without having to spend too much time and resources on it.

You can see it today with health care. Patients can now get personalized healthcare that are tailored to their needs.

What’s more, we can expect more businesses and services to be open 24 hours a day.  Banks can have AI tellers and coffeeshops can automate & have robot baristas.

Autonomous Services

AI will also give rise to more autonomous stuff in the future. We currently have autonomous cars that can drive more safely than a human driver. Expect other sectors to follow: conductor-less trains, unmanned ticket booths, and even an Uber that do not need a human driver.

You can have autonomous sales agents. Perhaps, a robot selling makeup can let you try on the cosmetics you like. All done virtually, while also cross-selling or upselling other products.

Talent? All You’d Need Is Passion

One of the limitations of AI is that it’s largely built on data, or learning new information so that it could improve itself.  But what about those who are passionate about something yet don’t have the talent right now to be good at it?

In the future, AI can write articles for you.  If you have an annual report and you’d like to make it easier for your shareholders to understand, you can feed it into an artificial intelligence program and the software will write it for you. 

Already, we are seeing AI composing music for video content creators, such as AIVA. Perhaps, AI can start drawing for you, depending on what you’re trying to do. Google’s Quick Draw, for instance, can recognize what you’re trying to draw. In the future, it might guess what you’re trying to draw and finish the illustration for you.

AI-Aided Communication: No more getting lost in translation

AI can also help a lot when it comes to communications. Perhaps, AI can use machine learning and natural language processing to correctly translate what was being said to you in another language. Unlike what’s currently available, communicating in another language via artificial intelligence will mean that there is no misunderstanding.

AI can take into consideration the nuances, colloquialisms, slang, jargon, and context when translating.

AI in the Future

Forget robot takeovers and looming unemployment, artificial intelligence will stay true to its form in the future.  It’s all about data & information and the changing way in which we access and use it. It’s also about convenience as AI can take away dreary, boring, and routine tasks from humans, leaving us to work on things that are more satisfying

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