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Our Products

At Canterbury AI, we are actively developing Artificial Intelligence Software that is progressive and also following the business model of Software as a Service (SaaS); we deliver specialised software designed uniquely to cultivate an enhanced work-life balance for a varied array of industries (MedTech, FinTech, Social Media and Travel)!

Canterbury AI

Developing The Future With Canterbury AI’s Software

AI Driven Data Analysis
Canterbury AI is advancing AI solutions to enhance disease screening and diagnosis by identifying biomarkers. This technology leverages a unique signal for various conditions, enabling non-invasive and rapid diagnosis. The focus is on improving the detection accuracy and enhancing early diagnosis and treatment outcomes​​​​.
Enhanced Breath Device Technology
The development of enhanced breath device technology at Canterbury AI aims to improve the sensitivity and specificity of VOC detection. By advancing the precision of these devices, the goal is to facilitate more effective disease screening and diagnostics. This involves refining the sensor technologies and analytical algorithms to better capture and interpret the chemical markers present in exhaled breath, ultimately leading to more reliable and comprehensive diagnostic tools​​​​.
AI in Disease Screening via Eye Examinations
Canterbury AI utilizes advanced AI to process images from standard eye exams to identify biomarkers for disease screening and diagnosis. This innovative approach allows for the early detection of not only eye-related diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma but also systemic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and Alzheimer's disease. The AI systems analyze retinal images to detect subtle changes and patterns indicative of these conditions, providing a non-invasive, quick, and efficient diagnostic method​​​​.
Mobile-Based AI Solutions for Mole Monitoring
Canterbury AI is leveraging the power of mobile device cameras to develop AI solutions for identifying and monitoring moles, focusing particularly on early detection of skin cancers. By using advanced image recognition and machine learning algorithms, these solutions can analyze images of moles taken with smartphone cameras to detect irregularities and changes over time, prompting users to seek medical evaluation if necessary. This approach aims to make skin cancer screening more accessible and convenient​​.
AI Analysis of Fungus
In response to the growing concern of fungal infections and their impact on food and human health security, Canterbury AI is investigating the role of fungi through AI-driven analysis. The focus is on developing AI solutions to detect and respond to fungal infections, particularly those that contribute to anti-fungal resistance. By analyzing fungal patterns and behaviors, the AI technology aims to enhance the identification and management of fungal threats, improving health outcomes and food safety​​.
AI in Identifying Disease Vulnerabilities
Canterbury AI is exploring the potential of AI in identifying vulnerabilities in diseases like Ebola by focusing on specific protein strains. This research aims to understand how AI can pinpoint weaknesses in disease pathogens, which can then be applied to other diseases. The insights gained from this AI-driven analysis can lead to the development of targeted treatments and preventive measures, enhancing global health security and disease management​​.
Blue Strawberry
Canterbury AI's flagship product, Blue Strawberry, is an innovative SaaS solution designed to optimize business operations through advanced AI technology. This flexible platform offers personalized solutions tailored to the unique needs of each client, ensuring a bespoke experience that enhances efficiency and intelligence across various industries. Blue Strawberry leverages cutting-edge AI to streamline processes, provide insightful data analysis, and automate routine tasks, enabling businesses to focus on strategic growth. With its user-friendly interface and robust capabilities, Blue Strawberry stands out as a pivotal tool for businesses looking to harness the power of AI for operational excellence and competitive advantage.
AI Travel App
Canterbury AI is developing a cutting-edge AI travel app designed to transform the travel experience by offering hyper-personalized itineraries, eco-friendly travel options, and real-time health and safety alerts. Utilizing AI technology, it will analyzes user preferences, past trips, and social media activity to recommend bespoke destinations, activities, and accommodations. The app also features community-driven insights, allowing users to share real-time updates, reviews, and travel tips. With advanced technology integrations like VR/AR for virtual tours, real-time language translation, and seamless booking capabilities, this ensures a comprehensive, engaging, and sustainable travel journey from start to finish.

Boost your Business with Ai Driven Software

Canterbury AI leads the market with its groundbreaking artificial intelligence, driving innovation and delivering unparalleled solutions to transform your business.
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