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Bing Tian

Canterbury AI
Bing Tian

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UK falling behind in AI
UK has strived to be a global leader in the universe of AI launching several initiatives and plans to encourage, promote, and develop AI technologies, as well as their integration into various sectors. Currently, the UK is ranked third in venture capital investment into AI companies and houses third of the AI companies in Europe.
Growth of AI in Pharma
Artificial intelligence easily and steadily finds a variety of applications in every field known to us. It’s no longer news that AI was the tool that helped scientists and researchers study the COVID-19 virus and discover effective drugs for the disease. In fact, AI in the pharmaceutical market has registered a sudden spike in 2020 when brilliant
25 April 2022 Read More north_east
AI Helping Crop Growth
Just like any other major sector, agriculture is expected to improve and earn a lot following the use of artificial intelligence (AI). And we’re not the only ones who think that. According to BI Intelligence Research, global spending on smart agricultural technologies, including AI and machine learning, is estimated to triple in revenue by 2025,
29 November 2021 Read More north_east
Growth of Investment in AI Software
As the years go by, the race to develop and apply artificial intelligence intensifies in all fields. From advanced to emerging economies, every country wants a piece of what AI can offer. And it can offer plenty! From diagnosis and drug discovery in healthcare and AI-powered cities and infrastructures to driverless cars and better control of climate change, AI is
26 November 2021 Read More north_east
Investment in EMEA SaaS Companies
The US might have been the center of the SaaS industry for many years. But the time has come for them to take a bow and let the EMEA region show its hand. European SaaS companies are getting closer to ruling the world. They are joined on the podium by the Middle East and Africa. 
22 November 2021 Read More north_east
How is Ai helping science hardware?
Scientists are eagerly expecting for Ai to help science hardware and dramatically change the way science is done. AI has the power to expand the capabilities of computer-based learning, but it can also become a vital instrument for scientists to conduct experiments faster and with a higher level of precision. If up until recently humans
19 November 2021 Read More north_east

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