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Creative Thoughts of AI in the Future
When you talk about the future of artificial intelligence, you are usually presented with robot takeovers – where machines become smarter and jails all humans as they dominate the world. But the reality is far tamer than that. Working with AI Early on, we were told that AI will displace human workers. With robots and
21 April 2021 Read More north_east
Algorithms Applied in AI Solutions
When you talk about artificial intelligence, it’s not far off that you will also talk about algorithms. Sometimes, people might use one to mean the other. However, an algorithm is merely a set of instructions that gets carried out when a trigger is met.  Think of it as a recipe that a cook follows to
15 April 2021 Read More north_east
How AI Will Help the Finance Industry
Banking customers now want convenience and will want their banks to have smart solutions. Of course, they also want a safe way to invest, save, spend, or access their money. Enter artificial intelligence, a technology that is changing the way we deal with money and investments. There are several ways in which AI can benefit
8 April 2021 Read More north_east
How Scientists Imagine a Dream World of AI
Artificial intelligence has come a long way since the 1950s when the concept has entered the minds of scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers.
12 October 2020 Read More north_east

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