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12 October 2020

How Scientists Imagine a Dream World of AI

Artificial intelligence has come a long way since the 1950s when the concept has entered the minds of scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers.

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Scientists Imagine a Dream World of AI
Scientists Imagine a Dream World of AI

Artificial intelligence has come a long way since the 1950s when the concept has entered the minds of scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers. Alan Turing is often mentioned as one of the precursors of the artificial intelligence we know and use in our times. He explored the mathematical possibility of AI suggesting the idea of machine learning and decision making. Moreover, his 1950 paper, Computing Machinery and Intelligence details how to build such intelligent machines and how to assess their intelligence.  

Since then, the concept of machine learning has made incredible progress. Deep learning systems are no longer in need of human programming. They learn on their own based on data sets to identify patterns and anomalies.  Some scientists dare to say that artificial intelligence will have a more pronounced impact on humanity than electricity itself. Currently, hedge funds use AI tools to be one step ahead on the stock market, while Google AI predicts heart disease from retina scans.

Artificial intelligence doesn’t stop at transforming science. It is now present in our daily lives talking to us in our smartphone or guiding our cars to less crowded roads. While some futurists are warning us that AI will take over the world in a rather apocalyptic scenario, scientists are thrilled with the thought of artificial intelligence making breakthroughs and reinventing the process of discovery. We choose to believe the scientists! Because here is what they are imagining the future of AI will look like:

The narrow AI is happening as we speak

The artificial intelligence revolution is already underway and smart businesses take advantage of everything it has to offer for a boost of conversions and increased customer engagement. Companies worldwide spend more than $20 billion on artificial intelligence products and services. Among them, giants like Google, Apple, and Microsoft are in a hurry to include as many AI tools and products as possible in their portfolio. Universities invest in colleges dedicated to AI while governments know there is no other alternative than to keep with the times and be one step ahead of each other when it comes to artificial intelligence technology.

The present is all about narrow AI. Scientists have introduced to the world two main categories of artificial intelligence: narrow AI and general AI. Narrow AI focused on specific tasks, like a spam filtering tool, GPS systems, Amazon recommendations, or even a self-driving car, while general AI takes things to the next level by having the capacity to deal with generalized tasks similar to a human, based on cognitive abilities and general experiential understanding. Add to this the ability to process vast amounts of data at exceptional speed and you’ll have a sophisticated AI entity that will revolutionize the world. Narrow AI is where we are. General AI is where we are heading!

He who holds the information has the power and scientists imagine a world where AI holds ALL the information. Technological progress has always brought the bad with the good but the most brilliant minds of humanity have never let this come between them and technological advancement. Currently, AI tools are already at work doing what they do best (for now!): collecting and processing an ocean of big data, as well as massive computing.

The promise of a better future where AI reigns supreme

Some scientists believe that by 2050, artificial intelligence will be embedded in every detail of our lives. Some say it will take us centuries to get there. Considering the way things are evolving, we tend to believe that general AI will improve our lives sooner rather than later. The good will outweigh the bad! And here is how!

Artificial intelligence tools will enhance human capacities and prove to be a valuable aid in the medical industry. Scientists imagine a world where cancer diagnosis will be based on retina scans, and big sectors, like highways and the power grid will have to embrace AI to develop and function. Moreover, AI tools will out-perform human minds in fields like air quality analysis and natural events forecasting contributing to a safer and healthier world.

Artificial intelligence will optimize and improve our lives through a vast array of applications and instruments. Autonomous cars will make our lives easier while virtual nursing assistants will monitor patients. Healthcare will benefit greatly from the integration of artificial intelligence into its processes! Diagnosis will be more accurate, treatments will be more efficient, and drug discoveries will alleviate our suffering. All thanks to artificial intelligence! Based on big data analyses, AI tools will make sure patients benefit from personalized experiences.

Artificial intelligence-powered robots will contribute to a more efficient manufacturing process working side by side with humans to perform tasks like assembly and stacking. While some believe that artificial intelligence progress will eventually result in massive job losses, we suggest taking a look at the way the job market has evolved in time. Although some jobs have indeed become redundant along the way, due to technological advancement, new job opportunities have taken their place. It is just the way progress works!

Moreover, AI algorithms will allow for an improvement of the education system due to virtual tutors and facial analysis that identify the student’s level of interest and allow for a tailored experience to meet their interests.

Overall, artificial intelligence is correlated with healthier people and increased lifespan. While some associate AI with job losses and robot soldiers, the truth is that AI will be working rather behind the scenes to make our lives better. By 2030, medical AI will monitor our health, environmental AI will help us improve the air quality, and all the technology around us, both visual and audio, will be controlled by voice and altered to improve our wellbeing. AI is already making our lives better, so we are eager to see what the future will bring!

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