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Growth of AI in Pharma
Artificial intelligence easily and steadily finds a variety of applications in every field known to us. It’s no longer news that AI was the tool that helped scientists and researchers study the COVID-19 virus and discover effective drugs for the disease. In fact, AI in the pharmaceutical market has registered a sudden spike in 2020 when brilliant
25 April 2022 Read More north_east
How AI has helped to tackle COVID 19
Understanding the way Covid 19 spreads is of utmost importance for scientists and governments who are trying hard to contain it. Artificial intelligence plays a paramount role in collecting and analyzing the wealth of data available. AI tools have been used to collect and go through huge amounts of data on individuals’ movements to facilitate
5 September 2021 Read More north_east
Covid19 Pandemic Is Driving More AI Research
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic caught many governments off-guard. As the virus took hold of the world, governments needed to act fast to protect their citizens.
19 October 2020 Read More north_east
How the NIH is developing AI to help with COVID19
Artificial intelligence is a vital component in the fight against COVID-19. Healthcare benefits greatly from machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques that allow for better and faster mapping of the virus
8 October 2020 Read More north_east

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